Matthew 3:5 NASB Then Jerusalem was going out to him,and all Judeaand all the district around the...
He is man and God's Son.
We must propagate both truths.
Micah 2:11 KJVIf a man walking in the spiritand falsehood do lie, saying,I will prophesy unto theeof...
He still comes with His Word.
Luke 24:27 AMPThen beginning with Mosesand [throughout] all the [writings of the] prophets,He explained and interpreted for...
Luke 24:26 NASBWas it not necessary for the Christto suffer these thingsand [after that] to enter into...
Each individual has his own task and gifts to glorify God.
Zechariah 4:6
- 'Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,' says the...
190524 There are three prophets who prophesied outside of Israel: – Jonah prophesies in the capital of...