“Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. Whatever a man sows, he will reap in return.
The one who sows to please his flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; but the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.…” (Galatians 6:7)
There are still real Christians who are not ashamed of the Christ and who are not ashamed for the truth of the Gospel. With them Christ is still at the centre of their life. A reason to be thankful for.
But at the same time it is heartbreaking to me, to experience daily how people are infected with a false gospel. (you have no idea how many messages I have to delete daily, that will not make it to my group)
With great certainty they proclaim things that are not correct according to the Bible. And doing so they are misleading many.
Daily I’m confronted with people who have fallen away from the truth, and still want to share “their own truth” instead of the truth of the Gospel.
And instead of accepting the Truth, they fight against it.
We can all witness the rapid decline, or even absence, of preaching on sin, repentance, salvation, holiness and the judgement of God, from many pulpits, and from many who share (their?) messages on the Internet.
Also it seems completely acceptable in groups to share displays of “facilitated miracles” and false prophecies, with the single purpose to elevate the “man of God” to a super-hero status.
While this “man of God” is enjoying the high position people give to him. And being placed on a pedestal in the hearts and minds of people, he feels good, but I wonder if he realizes that he is stealing honor and glory from God. And that he will be held accountable for this at the last judgment.
More than often we read messages which are only pleasing to the flesh (to which you should be dead) and not to the spirit (in which you should live)
Many admins of Christian groups today are happier with “crowd-friendly” messages, than with the truth of the Gospel.
They like to see the kind of messages that will draw people to their groups and are afraid the other messages will scare people away.
▪︎Messages on prosperity,
▪︎Messages on health and wealth;
▪︎Messages on a God that loves you so radically that He doesn’t really care about holiness anymore, and for Whom it doesn’t matter how you live;
Those churches and groups like messages of a Jesus
▪︎Who can’t wait to prosper you financially,
▪︎Who can’t wait to provide you that dream house,
▪︎Who can’t wait to provide you that dream car,
▪︎Who can’t wait to provide you that “miracle money” into your bank account!
Messages that make your greed grow.
It is heart-breaking to see that many of the so-called “churches” and so-called “Christian groups” are becoming places of entertainment.
Christian churches and groups should be influencing the world, but instead they let the world influence them. Instead of bringing the Gospel into the world, they are bringing worldly entertainment into the church and groups.
Some of them have become:
▪︎ Places that are far more focused on equipping people for worldly pleasures and success than places who are preparing people to be ready, to stand before God one day.
▪︎ Places where people are spiritually starving because their pastors and group leaders are not feeding them.
And in the same time allow ‘outsiders’ to give poison to the people.
▪︎ Places where people receive all types deceptions from “wolves in sheep clothing”. And people accept those deceptions because they are not reading their own Bibles enough, and are not accessing the truth of God’s word, and are not knowing Jesus personally.
▪︎ Places where people are urged to gain the whole world, yet potentially end up losing their souls in the process. – The bible is clear that, riches will not profit in the day of wrath, but righteousness delivers from death.
As Jesus warned in Matthew 5:20
“For I say to you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven”.
▪︎ Places where speaking about the judgement of God is avoided, or even not allowed (I was thrown out because of that), because it is unpopular, makes people uncomfortable and may harm the amount of people attending the church or group.
I agree that it does make some people uncomfortable because they are used to have their ears tickled with sermons and messages of God’s plan to prosper them, enrich them, and bless them with earthly blessings instead of yearning for the truth of God’s word, so that their souls can be saved.
▪︎ Places where focusing on riches is more important than focusing on righteousness
Remember, the bitter truth of God’s word is infinitely better than the sweet poison that eternally damns the soul…
▪︎ Places where people created in their minds a different God.
• A god they fashioned after themselves and their own ambitions.
• A god that is pure love and will not hold them accountable.
The bible has made it clear that judgement will begin in the household of God
1 Peter 4:17 — It is time for judgment to begin with the household of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the gospel of God?
God will not be mocked.
All who continue to use the name of Jesus from the pulpit, or in groups for financial gain, selfish ambition, manipulation of the flock, and do not to repent, will be held accountable – either in this world or the next.
You can be assured that your sins will find you out, as Numbers 32:23, clearly states.
Remember, the Lord does not judge as man does – He is not impressed by the size of your church or group. He is more concerned about the condition of their souls, for which you as pastor or group leader carry responsibility.
So my advice is to clean up what should not be there; whether it is in your church, in your group, or in your own heart or life.