1 John 3:16
We know love by this,
that He laid down His life for us;
and we ought to lay down our lives
for the brethren.
You probably know those well-known drawn figures, a man and a woman with the inscription: Love is…
A lot can be filled in for that. Sometimes it brings a smile. How do they come to such thoughts.
Love is… giving your life for the other.
I’ve never come across that statement before.
Love shouldn’t ask for the impossible.
You can’t smile at this anymore.
This is deadly serious.
Yet this is precisely the mark of true love.
Love is… Jesus gave His life for me.
But now us.
In imitation of Him, we must be willing to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.
That goes a long way.
Who can afford that?
That is only possible if His love lives in us!
Love is…
But is that the only way we can show our love?
Luckily not. Love is also helping each other in need.
If you’re doing well yourself, then you can’t let the other person languish, can you? Whoever does that doesn’t know what love is. Love becomes visible in the deed.
Love is… not words but deeds!