1 John 3:18
little Children,
let us not love with word or with tongue,
but in deed and truth.
Back to work today?
Possibly not, due to circumstances!
After believing on Sunday, now follows believing on a weekday.
Soon you will meet your colleague and you your friends.
On Sunday you gained something of the love of God in Christ. God so loved the world..!
Now it comes down to your life.
A priest had to make a sacrifice.
A Christian too, namely offering yourself as a living sacrifice of thanksgiving to the Lord.
That is what the Lord is asking for today.
Not to achieve something and thereby earn something, but in a life of gratitude and faith.
You may be able to say a lot. But do it today not in words, but in deed and in truth.
He who is wise does the will of My Father who is in heaven. Sunday’s Word urges a real answer.
I wish you a blessed day. And your neighbor too.