Luke 24:26 NASB
Was it not necessary for the Christ
to suffer these things
and [after that] to enter into His glory?”
Until now the Lord had been silent, but now He is speaking.
And He starts with rebuking them.
Luke 24:25 AMP
Jesus said to them, “O foolish men,
and slow of heart to trust and believe
in everything that the prophets have spoken!
Unwise and slow of heart
They had not learned enough from the scriptures, and therefore they had been ignorant and confused about what happened in Jerusalem. It was especially the suffering of Christ that confused them.
Now the Lord emphasizes that suffering.
Now the Lord teaches them that the Messiah had to suffer God’s suffering, before He would be clothed with glory. First into death, as was done with Him, and then come to His power and glory.
That’s how God ordered it.
That was a divine must out of His eternal pleasure.
That is how it was announced in advance in the scriptures.
Have you noticed that this is the way to salvation?
The only way.
The Prince of Life wants to shed light on this.
After all, therein lies life, the true life, eternal life, also for you.
PS. Make it your habit to check out my website, as without any good reason my pages or account on Facebook may be gone again.
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