Luke 24:27
Then beginning with Moses and with all the prophets,
He explained to them the things concerning Himself
in all the Scriptures.
What compassion and patience the great Master shows to His followers!
After the rebuke for the disbelief, of the two men on their way to Emmaus, He could very well have left them, but He did not.
The Great Shepherd is committed to bring His stray sheep to justice.
In the same way He wants to bring you back into safety.
See Him busy here. He explains to them the different places of the Old Testament that speak of Him. And while there eyes were still closed, he opened their hearts for the truth of the Gospel.
What an abundance of material the great Master has at his disposal.
After all, the entire Old Testament is full of Him!
And what a blessing it is, that we still have the scriptures among us.
And that these are explained to us, so that we can see and hold on to Him who has been dead and who now lives forever and ever.
Appreciate it, that He still comes with His Word!
It is true that it shows us who we are, in all our shame and misery.
But it also is true that we, with burning hearts, may drink in the words of eternal life, and may stretch out our hands to Him in faith.
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