Matthew 3:1-12 NASB¹Now in those days John the Baptist came, preaching in the wilderness of Judea, saying,...
Recognizing Jesus as Messiah also means recognizing His suffering.
No human ideas!
Mark 8:27-30
Mark 7:4
Since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power, and divine nature, have been...
Mark 3.13-19
Jesus has overcome the devil and sin and can therefore be close to us.
Micah 7:7 KJVTherefore I will look unto the Lord;I will wait for the God of my salvation:my...
Micah 6:6 KJVWherewith shall I come before the Lord,and bow myself before the high God?Shall I come...
Micah 4:3 KJVAnd he shall judge among many people,and rebuke strong nations afar off;and they shall beat...