On my website, on the page devotionals https://devotionals.harryschoemaker.nl there are now already over 650 devotionals published The...
Harry Schoemaker
Forever He is the King in our hearts.
Why is this verse sometimes mentioned,
sometimes between brackets,
and sometimes omitted?
An explanation
He still comes with His Word.
Why is this verse sometimes mentioned,
sometimes between brackets,
and sometimes omitted?
Luke 24:27 AMPThen beginning with Mosesand [throughout] all the [writings of the] prophets,He explained and interpreted for...
Why is a part of this verse sometimes mentioned,
sometimes between brackets,
and sometimes omitted?
They said "He is possessed by Beelzebul, the prince of the evil spirits"!
Luke 24:26 NASBWas it not necessary for the Christto suffer these thingsand [after that] to enter into...