What does the Bible say about Purgatory?
Ecclesiastes 5:12-15¹²The sleep of the working man is pleasant, whether he eats little or much; but the...
From the beginning I have called on you to repent of your sin and to follow Jesus.But...
Isaiah 30:23
Romans 8:28 NASBAnd we know that God causes all thingsto work together for goodto those who love...
Philippians 1:21 NASB For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. Devotional To...
Ecclesiastes 3:22 NASB I have seen that nothing is betterthan that man should be happy in his...
Ecclesiastes 1:14 NASB I have seen all the workswhich have been done under the sun,and behold, all...
John 17:4 NASBI glorified¹ You on² the earth³by accomplishing⁴ the work⁵which You have given Me to⁶ do⁷....
John 17:15 KJV I pray¹ not that² thou shouldest take³ them⁴ out of⁵ the world⁶,but⁷ that² thou...