Harry Schoemaker
May 1, 2020
Messages hardly reach people on Facebook these days
Harry Schoemaker
April 5, 2020
Now, when so many are panicking, and need the comfort that only the Bible can offer them,...
Harry Schoemaker
March 24, 2020
Luke 12:49-53 ⁴⁹”I have come to cast fire upon the earth; and how I wish it were...
Harry Schoemaker
March 17, 2020
Say something about Corona, many people say. But I was saying much more than something during the...
Harry Schoemaker
February 22, 2020
Acts 19:8-9⁸And he (Paul) went into the Synagogue, and for three months he was preaching there without...
Harry Schoemaker
December 24, 2019
I'm back from hospital, and I don't have really much to tell you, save that the surgeon...
Harry Schoemaker
December 24, 2019
There really seems to exist a spirit of christmas. A spirit that moves people away from the...
Harry Schoemaker
November 17, 2019
Let me today in a concise way make known to you, the Gospel which I preached all...
Harry Schoemaker
November 11, 2019
What is wrong with messages like these? I got some, almost similar, messages in messenger today. And...
Harry Schoemaker
September 6, 2019
Some people call themselves Christians, but apparently have no relationship with the Christ whatsoever..! The following statements...
Harry Schoemaker
June 16, 2019
Recently I’m getting more pictures of young girls showing me (their?) behind, busts, or even full body,...
Harry Schoemaker
April 15, 2019
I wish people would grow over the childish but dangerous messages like: