Micah 6:8 NASB He has told you, O man, what is good;And what does the Lord require...
Micah 06
Micah 6:8 KJVHe hath shewed thee, O man, what is good;and what doth the Lord require of...
Micah 6:7 KJVWill the Lord be pleasedwith thousands of rams,or with ten thousands of rivers of oil?shall...
Micah 6:6 KJVWherewith shall I come before the Lord,and bow myself before the high God?Shall I come...
Micah 6:5 KJVO my people, remember nowwhat Balak king of Moab consulted,and what Balaam the son of...
Micah 6:1-2 KJVHear ye now what the Lord saith;Arise, contend thou before the mountains,and let the hills...