Luke 2:30 KJV
For mine eyes have seen thy salvation,
It is a privilege if a person has two good eyes.
After seeing my Lord, I had very poor vision for a few months. It was as if I was looking through a frosted glass on which someone was shining from the back with a sharp spotlight. It was as if the light of His figure had burned in on my eyes.
Even now I do not see not as good before. I now have this as a constant reminder of that wonderful moment, when it was made clear to me, once and for all, that He has always been with me, and will always be with me. Even when the life functions left my body.
This knowledge, and the knowledge that He also wants to be with you, when you follow Him, urges me every day to pass on this wonderful news to you, and to call you to give your life completely to Him.
I am happy to see enough again to send you these messages.
Unfortunately, there are also people who cannot see. Yes, even people who have never seen daylight, or a glimmer of it. I think that’s very sad.
That is why I started with the words “It is a privilege if a person has two good eyes.” Although … We sometimes see things that we better should not have seen.
But may I ask you: Have you been allowed to see God’s salvation like Simeon?
Today we no longer see the salvation of God, the Christ, with our natural eyes. He no longer walks around on this earth as a human being. His figure is no longer what He was when He walked around on earth to make known to us the Father.
We now see God’s salvation with enlightened eyes of the mind.
Ephesians 1:17-19 NASB
that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ,
the Father of glory,
may give to you a spirit of wisdom
and of revelation in the knowledge of Him.
I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened,
so that you will know what is the hope of His calling,
what are the riches
of the glory of His inheritance in the saints,
and what is the surpassing greatness
of His power toward us who believe.
These are in accordance with the working
of the strength of His might
When our eyes of the soul are opened, we can still see Him in His glory today.
When that happens, you are going to see such a glory, such a love, such a grace, such a necessity to follow Him, that after that, your life cannot be the same as before this experience.
What is the purpose of our life?
It is only about honoring the Father, who through His Son Jesus, the Christ, has opened the way again to Him and to His salvation.
Will you walk that narrow way with me?
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