I just wonder,
▪︎ Would a fan of a football-team, continually talk about hockey?
▪︎ Would a fan of classical music, continually talk about rock music?
▪︎ Would a fan of beach-holidays, continually talk about winter, and ski-holidays?
▪︎ Would a girl who likes cats, continually talk about dogs?
Ofcourse not!
If they did, you would wonder if they spoke the truth, wouldn’t you?
Are they really fans of a football-team, classical music, and beach-holidays as they say?
They say so, and maybe they do. But don’t they give a completely different impression?
Now I see on Ekklesia almost 80% of the messages, posted for publication, not talking about God, or Jesus; not talking about what God did for us, but about satan, islam, buddhism, atheism, etc.
Isn’t that somehow strange too?
To give so much time to what you don’t like, instead of to what you do like?
Just think about it.