(A personal story)
[The people where shouting] Blessed be the King that cometh in the name of the Lord: peace in heaven, and glory in the highest. And some of the Pharisees from among the multitude [who didn’t like to hear this, because it was not what they were teaching] said unto Him (Jesus), Master, rebuke thy disciples. And He (Jesus) answered, and said unto them, I tell you that, IF THESE SHOULD HOLD THEIR PEACE, THE STONES WOULD IMMEDIATELY CRY OUT. (Luke 19:38-40)
I too, just cannot keep silent. Everybody has to know how great our Lord in reality is, and how great the miracle is, that God through Him wants to save us from death.
When I was 18 or 19 years old, there was a church that told me:
“We have no problem with you visiting our meetings…, (I grew up in that church)
▪︎ But can you not just sit in the pews like anybody else?
▪︎ Why do you have to speak to all others before and after the meetings?
▪︎ We think you are causing confusion, as the sermons may not always literally say what the Bible teaches, and you keep pointing them to what the Bible says”
My reply was: “So preach what the Bible teaches – Problem solved”
After this, and as I could not keep my mouth shut, I was “kindly” asked to leave.
Little could I know that this was only the first time I was to be cast out of a church. (This church, by the way, does not exist anymore)
In some churches I was even pastoring, but still, that too was no guarantee that I could stay there. (These churches too don’t exist anymore, or became social meeting places where only a handful of people meet. Some had to leave their building as they could not maintain it anymore)
In an other church I did a lot in the background, and there too the door was locked to me. (After this, there too, only a handful of people remained, and they had to lease parts of their building to worldly organizations).
One church asked me to come back, but in my spirit I didn’t feel I should do so. Knowing where this would lead to
Every time this happened to me, I cried, and was sad for weeks.
Revelation 2:5 became true for each of them “I am coming to you, and will remove your lampstand out of its place – unless you repent”.
These days I’m not welcome in churches anymore, and also experience that my messages are refused in groups on the internet sometimes, or that I am thrown out of Bible groups on the Internet. (The reason why I started an own group as with 4 accounts I could not accept more than 20.000 friends)
I experienced that reasons to throw someone out of a group on Internet may be:
▪︎ Not using only the King James Version of the Bible
▪︎ Talking about God instead of Jahuwah, or Jehovah
▪︎ Using the name Jesus, as that is in their vision blasphemy, as Jesus is a pagan name (!)
▪︎ Talking about repentance
▪︎ Not talking about material blessings, but about spiritual blessings
But still, I’m reaching now more people than ever before (my messages are going at this moment to over 5 million people every day).
And I’m extremely glad that I may daily receive messages from people who have chosen to follow our Lord Jesus, the only way to salvation.
Addition June 28, 2021
On a certain moment there were different groups in which I could reach over 15 million people daily, but censoring measures from Facebook caused the accounts, the groups and pages to be deleted, and Facebook did not allow people to become “friends” anymore, and they do not allow me to join other people’s groups or pages, to prevent me to spread the message.
The last year only a handful of people could see the messages.