Romans 8:13-14¹³If you are living according to the flesh,you must die;but if by the Spirityou are putting...
Philippians 1:29 NASB For to you it has been grantedfor Christ’s sake,not only to believe in Him,but...
Luke 23:21 NASB but they kept on calling out, saying,“Crucify, crucify Him!” Devotional Luke 23:44-49 NASB ⁴⁴It...
Philippians 2:3 NASBDo nothing from selfishness or empty conceit,but with humility of mindregard one another as more...
Jesus spent the last years of his life traveling and teaching.A number of important themes emerge in...
Song of Solomon 7:11 NASB Come, my beloved, let us go out into the country,Let us spend...
2 Timothy 1:8Therefore do not be ashamedof the testimony of our Lordor of me His prisoner,but join...
2 Timothy 1:8Therefore do not be ashamedof the testimony of our Lordor of me His prisoner,but join...
John 17:15 KJV I pray¹ not that² thou shouldest take³ them⁴ out of⁵ the world⁶,but⁷ that² thou...