John 14:1-6 NASB¹Do not let your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me.²In My...
One way
Micah 4:3 KJVAnd he shall judge among many people,and rebuke strong nations afar off;and they shall beat...
Hosea 14: 9 NASBWhoever is wise, let him understand these things;Whoever is discerning, let him know them.For...
Hosea 13:4 NASBI have been the Lord your God Since the land of Egypt;And you were not...
This is a wake up call to many▪︎ A call to repent▪︎ A call to return to...
Luke 24:26 NASBWas it not necessary for the Christto suffer these thingsand [after that] to enter into...
Friends, In the past year, I have hundreds of times given you the good news of God,...
Has the god of this world blinded your minds?
I really get upset when I see the massive amount of lies that so called “Christians” spread...