Psalms 121:1-3¹I will lift up my eyes to the mountains;From where shall my help come?²My help comes...
Matthew 11:5The blind receive their sight,and the lame walk,the lepers are cleansed,and the deaf hear,the dead are...
Difficulties often seem bigger than they really are.If we can no longer take it, we lose courage...
Mark 3.13-19
Micah 6:1-2 KJVHear ye now what the Lord saith;Arise, contend thou before the mountains,and let the hills...
Micah 1:4 KJVAnd the mountains shall be molten under him,and the valleys shall be cleft,as wax before...
Micah 1:2 KJVHear, all ye people; hearken, O earth,and all that therein is:and let the Lord God...
Joel 3:18 KJVAnd it shall come to pass in that day,that the mountains shall drop down new...
For the mountains shall depart (may be removed), and the hills be removed (may shake); but my...