Matthew 18:26So the slave fell to the groundand prostrated himself before him,saying, ‘Have patience with meand I...
Psalms 68:20-21²⁰God is to us a God of deliverances;And to God the Lord belong escapes from death.²¹Surely...
Matthew 7:3 NASBWhy do you look at the speckthat is in your brother’s eye,but do not notice...
Matthew 1:19 NASBAnd Joseph her husband,being a righteous manand not wanting to disgrace her,planned to send her...
“Where is my gradebook?”Mr. Meijer, who recently became a teacher at a primary technical school, is visibly...
The gospel confirms the godly and vexes the wicked.
Mark 6:14-29¹⁴And King Herod heard of it, for His name had become well known; and people were...
The Lord Jesus has come to undo the work of the devil.
Mark 3:20-30
Mark 2:18-22
Micah 7:20 KJVThou wilt perform the truth to Jacob,and the mercy to Abraham,which Thou hast sworn unto...
There are people who call wrong things right.And they call right things wrong.They say, ‘It is light’,...
Micah 7:9 KJVI will bear the indignation of the Lord,because I have sinned against him,until he plead...
Micah 6:6 KJVWherewith shall I come before the Lord,and bow myself before the high God?Shall I come...