Every person experiences a period of rest in his life at some point.I do not mean the...
Micah 7:18 KJVWho is a God like unto thee,that pardoneth iniquity,and passeth by the transgressionof the remnant...
Micah 2:13 KJVThe breaker is come up before them:they have broken up,and have passed through the gate,and...
Question: Bro. Schoemaker can you explain the latter part of Gen 3:15 please Answer: In Genesis 3:15...
Luke 24:15While they were talking and discussing,Jesus Himself approachedand began traveling with them. Devotional Luke 24:30-35³⁰When He...
Acts 2:42 NASBThey¹ were continually devoting themselvesto the apostles’ teachingand to fellowship,to the breaking of breadand to...
Acts 11:18 NASBWhen they heard this,they quieted down and glorified God,saying, “Well then, God has grantedto the...