Matthew 2:11 NASB After coming into the housethey saw the Childwith Mary His mother;and they fell to...
Matthew 02.01-12
Matthew 2:11 NASB After coming into the housethey saw the Childwith Mary His mother;and they fell to...
Matthew 2:11 NASB After coming into the housethey saw the Childwith Mary His mother;and they fell to...
Matthew 2:2 NASB Where is HeWho has been born King of the Jews?For we saw His star...
Matthew 2:2 NASB Where is Hewho has been born King of the Jews?For we saw His star...
Matthew 2:9 NASBAfter hearing the king, they went their way;and the star, which they had seen in...
Matthew 2:1-12 NASB ¹Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod...
210804 01 – Matthew 2:1-12 Matthew 2:1-12 NASB¹Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in...
Matthew 2:4 NASBGathering together all the chief priestsand scribes of the people,he inquired of themwhere the Messiah...
Matthew 2:3 NASBWhen Herod the king heard this,he was troubled,and all Jerusalem with him. Study The inhabitants...
Matthew 2:1 NASBNow after Jesus was bornin Bethlehem of Judeain the days of Herod the king,magi from...
Matthew 2:1-2 NASB ¹Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod...
'And you, Bethlehem, [in the] land of Judah, are by no means [the] least among the leaders...