How many mistakes would you like to make up for?
How many sins would you like to erase?
That is not possible! And certainly not with God.
But there is someone who can …
He can wipe out all your sins …, with His blood …!
Is that so easy with God?
No, we will have to come to Him with all our sins first, and confess them honestly.
When you come to Him with all your guilt, you will have a wonderful experience: You may then start to believe and realize that the Lord Jesus on the Cross has borne the penalty for all your sins.
Yes, then God Himself will wipe out all of the past through the blood of Christ. “Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow.” Isaiah 1:18. We may firmly believe that, and thank Him for it.
But a brand new beginning takes more!
Knowing the forgiveness of sins alone is not enough, because when we step into everyday life, things go wrong again!
Is that disappointment your experience too? It is mine.
Being born again is just the new beginning.
Learning to understand this, will give you the joy and the certainty.
The very moment a sinner comes to God with repentance, He works in him or her the new life, a new nature.
▪︎ One thing is what WE must do: confess our sins and take the Lord Jesus as your Savior;
▪︎ the other thing is what GOD is doing at the same time, giving the new life.
Perhaps you are someone who has (more than once) turned to God with repentance.
Did you accept God’s forgiveness and being born again, and thank Him for that?
So also thanked Him for making you a child of God? (See John 1:12 and 1 John 3:1).
Am I sinless from now on?
Certainly not; a child of God will often stumble and fall, and will then have to come again to his FATHER with confession …
But then you come as a “child”. And with that Father there is also Christ as Advocate ( See 1 John 2:1).
After that comes sanctification, so this is not before, but after conversion; that is the growth of the new life.
Understanding this brings us a lasting peace.