My dear friends,
I want you to know that there is only one small gate to the Kingdom of Heaven, and his name is Jesus.
JESUS IS THE ONLY WAY way to the Father.
If you try to go through any other gate you will not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven but you will end up in an other place. Hell will be waiting for you.
If you try to go through any other gate there is NO HOPE for you. For there is NO OTHER WAY EXCEPT THE CHRIST and all those who miss Christ, will also miss FORGIVENESS, will also miss a RIGHT STANDING with God.
After that gate there is a NARROW WAY. A narrow way of FOLLOWING and TRUSTING in the Christ.
But when I look at many churches it seems like they interpret this much different.
Based on what I see, they are not trusting in CHRIST, but they are trusting in a DECISION they once made, there are trusting in what is WRITTEN in certain evangelical books, and they are trusting in the questions they were asked and the ANSWERS they gave.
They said yes to every question they were asked:
Do you know you’re a sinner? Yes
Do you want to go to heaven? Yes
Do you want Jesus to come into your heart? Yes
Did you ask him to come into your heart? Yes.
And then those leaders will tell you that you are now a CHRISTIAN.
But i tell you that this procedure is NOT FOUND found in scripture and it’s not found in church history.
It is just a way to give you the FEELING that you were entering the SMALL GATE, but you still live on the BROAD WAY.
You may be given the name Christian but if you still look like anybody who lives in the WORLD. When the WORLD still rules your LIFESTYLE, than that will be the very thing that will condemn you on the day of judgement.
But today is it your chance to make a CHANGE. You can stand up and say yes I believe Jesus Christ and I will FOLLOW HIM. And this time not just SAY it, but DO it too.
Many have CONFIDENCE in their salvation and they say “I prayed the prayer”, and they are trusting in a PRAYER, “I made my decision”, and they are trusting in that DECISION, “I believe in that moment”, and they are trusting in the SINCERITY of their decision. Instead of doing as our forefathers did.
If you could ask them “How do you know you’re saved?” They would answer you “I am LOOKING UNTO JESUS CHRIST and I have great INSURANCE because I can see the CHANGES right in my life in the way he DISCIPLINES me, and changes my life”
Today many got just a little bit of RELIGION. They go to church on Sunday, but they are NOT PASSIONATE about the word of God and they do NOT GROW in faith, and in the end they will be judged.
And now you. You got today an other day to live, and so an other CHANCE to settle it all with your Father. Please DON’T DELAY, for the time is coming that it will be TOO LATE for those who delayed.