Wake up, you who are still sleeping!
If you don’t wake up, it will cost you your eternal life.
Wake up! And let the light of the Christ shine upon you!
Wake up! And repent before He comes to judge you.
Wake up now, for you are in great danger!
Why should you choose death instead of life?
Why should you choose punishment instead of grace?
Why should you choose hell instead of heaven?
You, who are still sleeping and don’t realize the danger you are in wake up now!
It is an urgent matter to repent, and follow Him right now!
There is no time for any further delay!
The darkness of this world had its time, and now the light of Gods grace is greeting you.
Don’t stay slumbering in your sins, but repent now!
God’s light was in this world ever since Jesus came, but the day is coming that He returns.
Every day that you live brings you closer to the moment you will die.
Will that be a day of joy for you?
Or will it be a day of deep and unimaginable fear and pain?
God is still calling you, but there is not much time left, so wake up, repent and follow Him!
Because of your sins you are already dead, but you can rise from the dead, and live.
Come into the light of the Christ!
You have a choice: Or wake up and rise from the dead; Or you you have good reasons to tremble, for God’s judgment is coming!
If you think you can sleep just a little longer, slumber just some more, you may miss the chance to repent, you may miss the chance to enter God’s Kingdom!
Soon it will be too late for you!
Come now, repent, be blessed, and go with the pious who walk in the light.
Who all became awake through the Christ Who died for us.
In the world there is much darkness, but in Him there is no hint of darkness, only light, so I call on you again. Wake up! And follow Him! This call may be your last chance. Don’t ignore it!

PS. Make it your habit to check out my website, as without any good reason my pages or account on Facebook may be gone again.
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