Matthew 8:8 NASB
But the centurion said,
Lord, I am not worthy for You
to come under my roof,
but just say the word,
and my servant will be healed.
The centurion who came to the Lord with his distress confessed his unworthiness.
- He was not worthy for the Lord to come into his house.
- He was allowed to have small thoughts of his own.
- He was a heathen.
- He was outside the nation of Israel.
It was too great for him that the Lord should enter his house.
- Have we come to see our own unworthiness?
- Have you been allowed to have small thoughts of your own?
- To be nothing to God in your own perception?
The centurion not only had an eye for his own unworthiness, he also had an eye for the omnipotence of the Lord.
The Lord had but to speak a word, and his servant would be healed.
There is absolutely no need for the Savior to come under his roof for this.
At the word of the Lord the servant of the centurion was healed.
It is necessary for us to go to the Lord with our sin.
Not as a rightful claimant, but as an unworthy one.
Such will experience it:
“But to this will I look, to the poor and contrite in spirit, and trembling at My word.”
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