Matthew 12:14-21¹⁴But the Pharisees went out and conspired against Him, as to how they might destroy Him....
Year: 2021
Matthew 5:9 NASB Blessed are the peacemakers,for they shall be called sons of God. Devotional A child...
Devotional The Bible speaks so clearly about the return of our Lord, that I don’t think I...
Matthew 5:8 NASB Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. Devotional Who recognizes...
Encyclopedia The abomination of desolation is mentioned by our Savior, (Matthew 24:15) as a sign of the...
Matthew 5:6 NASBBlessed are those who hungerand thirst for righteousness,for they shall be satisfied. Devotional As long...
Matthew 5:6 NASBBlessed are those who hungerand thirst for righteousness,for they shall be satisfied. Devotional Those who...
Matthew 5:5 NASBBlessed are the gentle,for they shall inherit the earth. Devotional The brutal have half the...
Matthew 5:5 NASBBlessed are the gentle,for they shall inherit the earth. Devotional A secular saying tells us...