Mark 10:50 AV
And he, casting away¹ his garment²,
rose³, and came to Jesus.
¹) To throw off, cast away.
²) The upper garment, the cloak, or mantle.
³) To rise, stand up.
Other translations
And throwing off his outer garment, he leaped up and came to Jesus. [AMP] And throwing off his cloak, he sprang up and came to Jesus. [ESV] Throwing off his coat, he was on his feet at once and came to Jesus. [MSB] And he, casting away his garment, rose, and came to Jesus. [KJV] Throwing his cloak aside, he jumped to his feet and came to Jesus. [NIV] Bartimaeus threw aside his coat, jumped up, and came to Jesus. [NLT] And throwing aside his garment, he rose and came to Jesus. [NKJV]
And he casting away his garment
His upper garment, and which no doubt was little worth; though this he did, that he might make the quicker dispatch to the Christ.
It is also said that this coat was a sign for other people, so they would know that he was blind. Somewhat similar to the cane that blind people have with them these days.
The expression “apo-ballo to himation” means “to put off the robe” (in order to be able to walk faster, cf. 2 Kings 7:15). As a result, Bartimeus, insofar as his blindness of course, enables him to do so, can hurry to get to the Lord Jesus.
From off the bank, or ground, whereon he sat, in an instant: and “sprung up”, as the Latin Vulgate, and Beza’s ancient copy read, in haste.
And came to Jesus
Probably being led by the persons that were sent to call him.
It may be observed, that those who are effectually called by the grace of the Christ, of which this man was an emblem, throw away the garment spotted with the flesh, the garment that holds them back to, or reminds them of their previous life.
They put off the old man, and there former way of conversation, as they are being called by a holy God, with a holy calling, to holiness in heart and life.
These too cast away the garment of their own righteousness, it being no more than fig leaves, or a spider’s web, filthy rags, and a beggarly robe, just like this man’s was; and come without covering to the Christ, for righteousness, and renounce their own self, and self-justification, because that is no more than a hinderance in their coming to Him.
The Gospel reveals a better righteousness to them than their own, more suitable to them, who are called from the dunghill, to sit among princes, and to inherit the throne of glory; and then such rise in the strength of grace, and come to Christ, for righteousness, peace, pardon, life, and salvation.
Twitter: @SchoemakerHarry
Website 1: https://devotionals.harryschoemaker.nl
Website 2: http://bijbelplaatjes.nl