“Where is my gradebook?”
Mr. Meijer, who recently became a teacher at a primary technical school, is visibly excited. “Someone must have taken my gradebook!”
He searches his bag for the third time.
“I used it before the coffee break. The figures for the past six months are in it and just before the reports …
“Okay, who took it? “
A big silence.
Very unusual this silence in the classroom.
You can feel the tension.
The teacher waits for a moment. In the back rows, a few start to cough. What will he do now? Under no circumstances showing weakness, that would help the boys.
He has an idea, and calmly but decisively he says: “Anyone who is not to blame for this act must now leave the room; row by row ”.
The boys seem to find this idea amusing. The first row gets up and leaves the classroom like tin soldiers. The second and third rows continue ‘the game’.
The fourth row hesitates for a moment, but then they also slide towards the door.
The teacher already sees himself standing in front of an empty class when suddenly one of the boys turns and sits down again.
“So it was you, Florian? A thief! A liar! And a coward!
I wouldn’t have thought that of you.
I did not lie, Mr Meijer.
Are you also going to try to deny? Do you think you can do whatever you want with me? Now we will see about that. During the lunch break we meet again in the boardroom, Clear?
And your parents can look forward to a letter from the school tomorrow. And you will give the grade list back to me when everyone is back in, understood ?!
Without waiting for an answer, the teacher calls back into the class. “Well, the culprit has been found. He will regret it! Now Florian, give me the grade list”
Again great tension in the classroom, until Floriaan says softly: “I don’t have the grade list!”
Mr. Meijer turns red. “Wait boy, I’ll get you down, he says.
Then suddenly, hesitantly at first, but then clearly … Bas, Florian’s best friend, from the back row, and says with a red head: “Here is the list, sir. I stole it.”
Mr. Meijer doesn’t understand it anymore, and thinks that now the whole class is against him and wants to make fun of him.
“Why in the world didn’t you, Florian, just leave the classroom?”
The boy takes courage and then says: “Bas is my best friend. When I saw that he was not staying in the room, I quickly whispered to him to give me the gradebook under the table; but the others pushed him forward to the door. I just wanted to take his punishment, because he already has enough problems at home! “
The class, which Florian had always seen as a show-off, suddenly had something to think about.
The teacher waived the punishment and instead had a conversation with Bas and Floriaan. He had never experienced camaraderie that far.
Perhaps you, who are reading this, deep down long for a true friend too.
Because when it really comes down to it, so many will let you down.
But there is One Who seeks you and wants to be your great Friend: Jesus, the Son of the living God.
He died on the cross to free you from your guilt of sin.
The Bible says that man is a lover of himself, stingy, disobedient, unholy, without natural love, cruel, etc. (2 Timothy 3:2). But God gave His Son, Jesus, in death out of true Love for you.
And He wants to be your Savior and your Friend.
Twitter: @SchoemakerHarry
Website 1: https://devotionals.harryschoemaker.nl
Website 2: http://bijbelplaatjes.nl