Hosea 9:1 NASB
Don’t rejoice, O Israel,
with exultation like the nations!
For you have played the harlot,
forsaking your God.
You have loved harlots’ earnings
on every threshing floor.
The party is in full swing. God’s good care gave an abundant harvest. Yes, God is with us, and at the Feast of Tabernacles they were singing, dancing, and jumping.
Then suddenly there is that nasty prophet again, with his incessant black message. They must have seen him as a doom preacher.
Do not rejoice, Israel!
He interrupts even the festivals ordered by God.
How would you like it when suddenly, in the middle of the thanksgiving service, you heard: People, please go home. There is no reason to be happy. Forget about feasting, rather mourn, because the Lord does not bring grace, but He will visit you with judgment.
You serve Him with your lips, but further, with everything you have you serve the god of the world . You never repented on the many sermons you heard..!
Hosea was called a fool,
Jesus a devil.
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