By faith in Jesus, we can be certain to be chosen by God.
He has chosen us in Him. Already before the foundation of the world, so that we would be holy and impeccable to him in love. (Ephesians 1:4)
Let us see why God chooses, according to Paul.
The first reason is: service out of love!
The Lord has not chosen to us to just relax and do nothing. On the contrary, a Christian has a busy life. Of praising and loving.
The Lord loves you and you love Him.
If you love someone, you will do anything for the other.
Well, it is clear that God loves us.
He has so much love for us, that He even gave His only son.
And our Lord has died for us because of that love!
But love also asks love in return.
Imagine that you love someone and the other does not answer your love. That will give you sad feelings.
For example, the Lord asks our love as an answer to His love.
And love becomes visible in serving the other.
Service out of love. You want to serve Him in everything, and put your entire life into His service.
Take my life Lord, and let it be dedicated to your glory
Brothers and sisters, let’s love each other. (In 1 Corinthians 13 can be read with what kind of love.) Because love comes from God. If you love the brothers and sisters, you were born of God and know God. If you don’t like the brothers and sisters, you don’t know God, because God is love.
We have seen that God loves us: He has sent his only Son to earth to give us eternal life.
Because He loves us so much, He sent His son.
His son gave His life as a sacrifice, so we could get forgiveness for our disobedience.
Brothers and sisters, if God loves us this much, we must also love each other. (See: 1 John 4:7-11).
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