Luke 1:65
Fear came on all those living around them;
and all these matters were being talked about
in all the hill country of Judea.
Everyone around them was very impressed with what God had done.
I think people talked more about the miracle of this birth then than about other things.
- First they had experienced that Zechariah could no longer pronounce the blessing (Luke 1:22)
- After that, they were amazed at the fact that these old people, Zechariah and Elisabeth, still had a child (Luke 1:24)
- And then that child was against the custom, also not named after the father, but got a completely different name. They were told that an angel had instructed Zechariah (Luke 1:13). “His name will be John,” Elisabeth had said (Luke 1:60)
John (Ἰωάννης Ioannes) means as much as “YHWH shows His favor,” “YHWH (The Lord) is gracious,” or “YHWH is a gracious giver.”
People will have known the meaning of this name, but I doubt if they understood the deep meaning of it, and what really had happened. Or would “John” have been just another name to them?
What is that name to you?
Yes, a lot was said about all these things. It was discussed all over the mountainous region of Judea.
Tongues came loose at the birth of John.
First the old father’s tongue. After being silent for a long time through God’s chastening, the Lord opens his mouth and he may magnify God (Luke 1:64).
And then the tongues of those who lived at all the hills of Judea.
Much was said about these things, says evangelist Luke.
The things that happened in the house of Zechariah and Elisabeth provided food for speech. These miracles have been told from village to village, from house to house. It amazed the people. It was the main subject for a while, but many would probably have talked about something else soon.
But still .., the Lord ensures that these things are discussed. And among those who silently feared God, there will have been fruit, speaking about the sacred miracle that the Lord has shown His mercy.
But let’s be honest, what are we talking about lately?
Are we still talking about God’s love, God’s grace, the need to convert to Him, or is our mouth full only of the corona virus that is now all over the world.
▪︎ I would like the message of God’s rescue plan to receive as much attention as this virus.
▪︎ I would like people to be touched by the gospel just as quickly, and as much as people are now affected by this virus.
- Happy are those, who notice what the Lord is doing, even today.
- Happy are those, who know and experience God’s work in their own lives.
- Happy are those, who experience God and His work in such a way that they must speak of the miracles of God. Also of the coming of His Son.
David writes:
Over the centuries people will be happy with what You have done.
They will tell about the wonderful things You have done.
(Compare Psalms 145:4)
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