John 16:33
These things I have spoken to you, so that IN ME you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.”
Although it is often said that when we just dwell on the things that Jesus has said, we will experience divine peace in our life. Like I recently heard a pastor say “You must have faith in your faith, because Jesus said ‘your faith has healed you’ “
Both are wrong in fact we have to remain IN HIM, and you must have faith IN HIM.
It is true; it is important to live by the words of Jesus, but Jesus clearly says here, that He spoke these words, so that we would have peace IN HIM.
It is not by the sound of the words, not even in the contents of them, but only IN HIM it is that we may have peace.
Like I could speak comforting words to you, but they will only come to their full effect if they are spoken and received IN CHRIST.
You can hear the sound of many cars, but still go nowhere.
To go somewhere you have to be IN one of them.
Before going to the cross, Jesus spoke of different things.
▪︎ He mentioned the hatred of the world
• which would kill His disciples
• which would put many out of the synagogues
▪︎ He mentioned the work of the Holy Spirit.
▪︎ He mentioned His departure
▪︎ He mentioned the sorrow of His disciples that would be turned into joy.
Finally He said that they should be of good cheer, that they should take courage, because He has overcome the world.
It is a good thing to meditate on all that Jesus said, but above all stay IN HIM! For only IN HIM you will find absolute peace.
Some will point you to the power in His words, and that it are words that perform miracles, but the power is not in the words on itself, but IN HIM.
The words are only the means by which it comes to you.
Let me try to explain.
It is not the electricity wire on itself, that can give you a shock, but the electricity that is put on that wire, by the powerplant behind it.
In the same way, words are just words, unless there is power given to it.
Stay IN CHRIST an take courage.
Tribulations, trials, and challenges will come, but be conscious of the fact that they don’t come to stay; they only come to strengthen your faith in God.
Internet: harryschoemaker.nl
P.S. 1: Since my messages reached over 10 million people, Facebook doesn’t allow me to share these Bible messages in any other group, but my own.
So, if you don’t want miss out on them, then make sure you join my group “The Worldwide Ekklesia” or follow me on Twitter: @schoemakerharry
P.S. 2: I should have gone to the hospital tomorrow to see the surgeon and then following coming Thursday for the operation on skin cancer, but that has been delayed because I got the flu.