John 10:11
I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd lays down His life for the sheep.
With these words Jesus told us that He is not just a good leader (the term “shepherd” is used for all kinds of good leaders), He is not just A shepherd, but He is THE good shepherd.
He is the shepherd above all others who (rightfully or not) bear this name or title (pastor means shepherd).
In the way Jesus lived, but especially in the way He died, He made it very clear to us what lies at the heart of this position in God’s Kingdom.
▪︎Godly leadership is serving and not being served, or ruling.
▪︎Godly leadership is sacrificing oneself for the good of His bride, and not a status in which one ought to receive honor.
▪︎Godly leadership is sharing, without expecting some reward (service, and not selfishness)
▪︎Godly leadership is knowing for what high price the bride is bought, and therefore value her highly, and make sure she is treated well.
The good Shepherd gave His life for us.
He died so we may live.
Therefore it is not hard to follow Him, because we know He values us above His own life.
Prayer suggestions:
▪︎ Thank the Father for giving us His Son.
▪︎ Thank Jesus that He is our high priest
▪︎ Thank Jesus that He also was the sacrifice
▪︎ Thank Jesus that He is our Shepherd
▪︎ Thank Jesus that He also was the Lamb
▪︎ Praise Jesus for being Lord
▪︎ Thank Jesus that He is willing to be OUR Lord
▪︎ Thank Jesus for giving His life, so we may live
▪︎ Thank Jesus for giving a good example of how godly leadership is to be practiced.
For all He did for us, we can never thank Him enough.
Internet: harryschoemaker.nl
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