Colossians 2:8-23
¹⁶Therefore NO ONE is to act as your JUDGE in regard to FOOD or DRINK or in respect to a FESTIVAL or a NEW MOON or a SABBATH DAY – ¹⁷things which are a MERE SHADOW of what is to come; but the SUBSTANCE BELONGS TO CHRIST.
Note: The Bible does nowhere say that nobody should judge at all! People who say that have usually taken just a few words from a verse, or have taken a verse out of context. Often to stop somebody from warning them for going into the wrong direction.
But now back to our verse:
Our Lord Jesus took the law of ordinances out of the way.
These laws were a yoke to the Jews, and a partition-wall to the Gentiles.
All the Jewish rites actually were merely shadows of the Gospel blessings that were to come, and when the substance was come, in the person of Jesus, the shadows moved away.
Every mortal man is, because of breaking the law, guilty of death.
How very dreadful is the condition of those who willingly and knowingly despise the precious blood of the Son of God. For only by His blood we can be washed clean from sin, and can the curse of the law be annihilated.
Don’t be upset because of bigoted judgments which relate to FOOD or DRINK or in respect to a FESTIVAL or a NEW MOON or a SABBATH DAY, or other Jewish solemnities.
The setting apart a portion of our time for the worship and service of God, is a moral and unchangeable duty, but this was not necessarily depending upon the seventh day of the week, the Sabbath (the day of rest) of the Israelites (Jews).
In fact we can, and may, worship and give service to our God on any day of the week.
The first day of the week, or the Lord’s day, is the time that Christians kept holy ( = set apart, separate). Ever since the resurrection of Jesus, they came together on the first day of the week, in remembrance of His resurrection.
To be continued.