What is the New Testament?
In the Old Testament, the “old covenant,” God already announced that there would be a new covenant someday.
The New Testament tells how God makes that new covenant with people. For this, God Himself comes to earth, in the person of Jesus. Jesus is born as a human being on earth.
Sacrifices belonged to the old covenant. With the blood of those sacrifices, people asked forgiveness for the things in which they had disobeyed God. This changes with the coming of Jesus. Jesus Himself says about that: “With my blood, God makes a new covenant with the people. My blood is poured out to be able to forgive the people that they are disobedient to God.”
Jesus comes to take the punishment for the disobedience of people to God. He comes to die. People don’t want Jesus. They kill Him by nailing Him on a cross. That is exactly what Jesus came for and the new covenant is made.
But the story does not stop there: the Bible also tells us that Jesus did not stay dead. He conquered death and rose from the grave. He then went back to heaven. But at the same time, He wants to come and live in every person through his Spirit.
Every person who believes that Jesus died to free us from the punishment for our disobedience to God receives God’s Spirit. In this way he becomes a new person: a person who, thanks to God’s Spirit, has the opportunity to live as God intended. He is freed from his guilt and may have contact with God.