Psalms 119:58
I sought Your favor with all my heart;
Be gracious (merciful) to me according to Your word.
That God gave His word to us mortals, is a great and wonderful thing. God speaks to us through His word, and the one who listens to it, and does what it says will not stay the same.
In fact we are called to change from who we were, and to become Christlike.
Romans 12:2
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.
The psalmist was aware of
▪︎ where he could find real help,
▪︎ where he could find comfort,
and he sought it with God.
Dear friends, I call on you, wherever you are,
▪︎ to seek God with whole your heart,
▪︎ to read your Bible,
▪︎ to listen to His word,
▪︎ to do what it says,
▪︎ and to frequently talk to God in prayer.
▪︎ Whatever your need may be, know that God has a solution for you. And He will give it to you in due time.
▪︎ Whatever your question may be, know that God has an answer for you. And many answers He has already given in the Bible.
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