Luke 14:11 RSV
Every one who exalts himself will be humbled,
and he who humbles himself will be exalted.
Humility is a mark of Christian character.
The well known Bible story of Zacchaeus, the publican, pictures faithfully the truth which our text points up.
Zacchaeus was a prominent figure.
He was rich, and he was chief among the publicans.
But there came a day when, in order to see the Master, to glimpse the blessed face of the Son of God, to enjoy His friendship, Zacchaeus found it necessary to humble himself.
In the presence of Jesus he humbled himself that he might possess the riches of salvation.
Jesus sought him and saved him.
This was Zacchaeus’ experience in that day long ago.
It is the experience of many in our day.
It is required of us that we repent of our sins and humble ourselves before God.
Otherwise we cannot experience the joy of Christ’s love nor find fellowship with those of Christlike heart and mind.
We need to live humbly so that we may be sensitive and obedient to God’s leading.
Prayer suggestions
▪︎ Ask the Lord to give you strength to master your pride.
▪︎ Ask the Lord to help you to become humble as Jesus was.
▪︎ Ask the Lord to help you to become humble in every sense of the word.
▪︎ Ask the Lord to give you the desire to seek His will for us.
▪︎ Ask the Lord to give you the courage to be obedient to Him always.
Twitter: @SchoemakerHarry
Website 1: https://devotionals.harryschoemaker.nl
Website 2: http://bijbelplaatjes.nl