Everybody may follow Jesus and learn from Him.
Marcus 2:14-17
Hosea 14: 9 NASBWhoever is wise, let him understand these things;Whoever is discerning, let him know them.For...
Romans 05:08 But God commendeth his love toward us,in that, while we were yet sinners,Christ died for...
We must raise the alarm and call on people to repent in view of the day of...
They will then be bound in bundles Matthew 13:30 NASB Allow both to grow together until the...
He receives sinners
Repent and follow Jesus, while you still have the chance.
The sinners prayer is what people sometimes call the prayer that someone must pray who really wants...
Romans 7:23-25²³I see A DIFFERENT LAW in the members of my body, WAGING WAR against THE LAW...