Why is a part of this verse sometimes mentioned,
sometimes between brackets,
and sometimes omitted?
Luke 13:10-17One day, Jesus was teaching in a Jewish meeting place. It was the Jewish day for...
Jesus and the Sabbath Apart from His claim to be the Messiah, there is no subject on...
History of the Sabbath After Moses. 1. In the Old Testament: The early prophets and historians occasionally...
Critical Theories The older theories of the origin of the Jewish Sabbath (connecting it with Egypt, with...
Colossians 2:8-23 ¹⁶Therefore NO ONE is to act as your JUDGE in regard to FOOD or DRINK...
Origin of the Sabbath – The Biblical Account. The word sabbath comes from the Hebrew word שׁבת...
Is Sunday worship a sin and disobedience to God? Is the worship accepted or not? Sunday is not Sabbath....
With a healing on the Sabbath, Jesus shows what this day is for: liberation from oppressive bonds.
Love must be our deepest motivation.