Psalms 104:27-28 NASB²⁷They all wait for YouTo give them their food in due season.²⁸You give to them,...
Matthew 6:25 (KJV)Therefore I say unto you,Take no thought for your life,what ye shall eat, or what...
Matthew 6:33 NASBBut seek first His kingdom and His righteousness,and all these things will be added to...
Matthew 4:7 NASBJesus said to him,On the other hand, it is written,You shall not put the Lord...
God makes something great out of something small.
Mark 08:1-9
Mark 6:37 (AV)He answered and said unto them, Give ye them to eat.And they say unto him,Shall...
Mark 2:27
Jesus teaches us to notice how God means the day of rest.
Micah 7:7 KJVTherefore I will look unto the Lord;I will wait for the God of my salvation:my...
John 3:6 KJVThat which is born of the flesh is flesh;and that which is born of the...
Jesus Christ told His audience during His days to consider the ravens. This message also applies to...