True peace is:Making peace with GodAnd fighting against sin. I find it very bad that there are...
These are some of the worrying responses I have received over the years. o X o We...
Mark 5:28For she said,If I may touch but his clothes,I shall be whole. A person can worry...
Share the Good News with the confidence that God will provide the growth.
Mark 4:26-29
Mark 3:19
Hosea 4: 9 NASBAnd it will be, like people, like priest;So I will punish them for their...
We all need to return to the Lord,
and do the task assigned to us!
Each individual has his own task and gifts to glorify God.
A special meeting When I was 12 years old I was invited to join the confirmation classes...
There was a certain church, and in that church was a man that God had chosen, through...
Zechariah 11:15-17¹⁵The Lord said to me, “Take again for yourself the equipment of a foolish shepherd. ¹⁶For...
190515 On my last message on titles came some questions, and I like to go a little...
There are churches that have won the battle for the inerrancy of the Bible.However, no denomination or...