ET.001.03 Luke 14:16-24¹⁶He said to him, “A man was giving a big dinner, and he invited many;...
Love for money
Mark 3:19
Let me tell you this. During the last days of this world, there will be times of...
¹Realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come.²For men will be▪︎ lovers of self,▪︎...
Dear sisters, if you have a man who loves you and cares about you with the little...
I will be very raw and sincere with you. Do not worry about the size of a...
Question Some of the questions people ask me are:▪︎ Why does youth leave the church (or worse,...
Ecclesiastes 5:10 NASB He who loves money will not be satisfied with money,nor he who loves abundance...
Luke 12:15Then He (Jesus) said to them,“Beware, and be on your guardagainst every form of greed;for not...