1 John 3:18little Children, let us not love with word or with tongue,but in deed and truth....
Good deeds
1 John 3:18Little children,let us not love with word or with tongue,but in deed and truth. How...
Not just words, but deeds too!
Matthew 5:16 NASB Let your light shine before menin such a way that they may see your...
Matthew 5:16 NASB Let your light shine before menin such a way that they may see your...
Micah 6:8 NASB He has told you, O man, what is good;And what does the Lord require...
Hebrews 13:16And do not neglect doing good and sharing,for with such sacrifices God is pleased. Devotional A...
1 John 3:18
Mark 3:2And they¹ watched² him³,whether he³ would heal⁴ him⁵on the sabbath day⁶;that they¹ might accuse him³. ¹)...
When you go to Him with a broken heart and a defeated spirit, you will always get...
Psalms 19:1 The heavens are telling of the glory of God; And their expanse is declaring the...
I spoke before of the wedding of the Son of the King and how his servants had...