Matthew 13:33 KJV
Another parable spake he unto them;
The kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven,
which a woman took,
and hid in three measures of meal,
till the whole was leavened.
Leaven a Hidden Force — E. Mellor, D.D.
▪︎ It was hidden; so hidden that those who will believe in nothing but what they see might doubt whether it was there at all.
▪︎ It was hidden but not lost; hidden that it might not be lost; hidden that its searching and diffusive energy might be tested and revealed.
From this feature of the parable we not only do not shrink, but we give to it the utmost possible prominence.
It holds strict analogy with the great fact that the mightiest forces in the world are all lodged, if I may so speak, out of sight, and work outwards, and upwards, and downwards from their deep home of mystery.
The chief Worker — He without whom no one and nothing could work at all — “hideth Himself,” so that no eye hath seen Him, or can see Him.
From His secret pavilion He sustains all the forces of the universe, whether they be mechanical or vital, and yet His Hand is never seen.
The leaven of man himself — that leaven without which there would be no man — his soul, is hidden.
How hidden, we don’t know;
where hidden, we don’t know;
but it is hidden, and, amid all the marvels of its working, is never seen.
No eye has seen man at any time, any more than it has seen God.
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