Matthew 10:28,30
²⁸Do not fear those who kill the body but are unable to kill the soul; but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
³⁰But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.
- “Fear not,” said the Savior to His own on so many occasions.
- “Fear not, it is I,” He said on the wild waves.
- “Fear not,” it sounded as Peter was horrified at His miraculous power.
- ‘Fear not,’ He said to sorrowful Jairus, whose daughter had died.
- ‘Fear not,’ He said to His disciples and to all who would believe in Him, ‘if the world persecute and torture you to death, I have conquered death, your soul belongs to Me, and cannot be killed.’
This word also comes to us, though torture doesn’t come to Christians anymore in most countries. This great Savior also has an eye for the little things, and a caring heart of love.
“Fear not” it sounds about our life, with its small and big difficulties, and its not always easy struggles.
Also the hairs on your head are all numbered.
So great is His love, so great is His care, so He watches over everything.
▪︎ Not even an unkind word can be added to you,
▪︎ no unkind treatment befall you,
▪︎ not a slanderous word come upon you,
or He knows of it, and He takes it into account, and He watches over you!
Only fear the sin which so lightly surrounds you.
Flee with every temptation to Him, Who thinks nothing too small to meddle with.
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