Dear friends,
▪︎ Do you know that your life might end today? God forbid, but it’s possible!
▪︎ Do you know that death can come unexpectedly?
▪︎ Do you realise that some people might go to sleep tonight, to never wake up again?
What if you or I am amongst them?
▪︎ If so… Do you know where your soul will go?
People might say good things about you at your funeral, because of what they have seen and heard about you.
But none of them really knows what you did, or still are doing, in secrecy.
Do you realize that your secret sins, and sinful thoughts, might place you in hell?
You can’t hide them from the Almighty God!
Please examine yourself!
Do it now, for you do know you have to confess them to your heavenly Father, but you don’t know if you are still among the living over a few minutes.
You may think I’ll do it tonight or tomorrow, but you have no guarantee that there will still be a tonight or tomorrow for you.
When I had my cardiac arrest last year, I also did not know that in stead of coming back home, I would lay on the intensive care with doctors around me fighting for my life.
I survived, but it could also have been the end of my life on this earth. One second I was having a clear mind etc. The next second I was not breathing, and had no heartbeat, I was gone! But I woke up after three days (on the fourth day).
It is urgent. You must confess, ask for forgiveness, and change your life.
For some of you, it may be for, adultery, alcoholism, anger, bad habits, bad temper, covetousness, disobedience, envy, exaggeration, fornication, gambling, greed, grudges, immoral thoughts, inordinate affections, jealousy, lies, lust, malice, pride, smoking, unforgiveness, to name just a few things that do you absolutely no good.
Do it now!
Repent of your sins, for you don’t know if you get a second chance.
May God bless you all, and keep you safe.
1 John 1:8
“If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us