Matthew 4:17
From that time Jesus began to preach and say, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”
When Jesus preached, He told people to repent!
You may have some questions, like…
● Why did Jesus call people to repentance?
○ Jesus knew exactly what was in man, He knew what kept them busy, and He knew in what direction they were heading. Pity enough it is the same direction as most people (those who call themselves Christians, and those who follow other beliefs alike) are going today.
And He knew that they needed to repent of their sinful way of life, just like people today need that, but where people around Him were still willing to listen (although many did not react on His word), today people don’t want to hear the message about repentance anymore.
Even last week a “Christian” told me to stop with, my website, with my group, and with writing the messages, because it had no results whatsoever. People don’t like to hear your constant call for repentance. “You better start preaching in the street, maybe, if you keep doing that long enough you may reach someone!”
Satan hates it when someone is getting people away from him, and yes I know and experience that he hates me too. But the love I experience from my Father is so much more.
In my body I am attacked daily, but every day I receive more than enough strength to write an other message, to answer people, and to win souls for my Lord.
Little did that man know, that that was exactly how I started over 50 years ago. And also could he not know that the next message I received was from someone who had given his life to Jesus, and told me that he was willing to follow the Christ from that moment on.
We might only wonder why so many pastors and churches don’t preach on the eternal destination, and the most needed repentance anymore. Yes those men are religious, but don’t have a living relationship with the eternal God.
● What is repentance?
○ When we look at the word in the Old Testament, we see in the Hebrew language a word that means a turning around, to go in the opposite direction of what you were going before. First you were standing with your back towards God, and were you walking away from Him. After repentance you turned 180° around, and are you facing God, and are you walking towards Him.
○ When we look at the word in the New Testament, we see in the Greek language a word that means as much as having a complete change of mind. First your thoughts and focus were on the world, on possessions, on luxury, on entertainment. After repentance the world and all that it has to offer is dead to you, all it can offer is no more than waste. Now your thoughts and focus are fully on God, on the sacrifice Jesus did for you, and on how the Holy Spirit is leading you day after day.
○ When we look at both words in the Old- as well as the New Testament, we get the complete meaning of what repentance is, and how it should manifest itself in our lives. You need Jesus, you need God’s grace, and you need to repent to come close(r) to Him.
Recently I heard a pastor say “God needs you!”
Again the truth was turned around. God doesn’t need you! Without you, He is still the only, and almighty God!
But you do need Him, for without Him you have no future, without Him, only hell is waiting for you!
● Is repentance necessary?
○ Yes!!! As you will have understood from the previous:
• We absolutely need God, without His grace we could not even live the next minute.
• We absolutely need forgiveness which is only possible because Jesus took our place.
• And we need to change our minds, turn to Him, and to go towards Him, because the earthly way of life, brings us in the end only dead, and misery.
Now my dear friends,
Jesus used His time in preaching the Kingdom of God, in warning us for hell (most parables do), and helping and comforting people around Him. He gave us in the way He lived a great example.
Will you do a test on yourself, and find out what you are using your life and time for? Remember that you will give an account of what you did, and how you lived, to Jesus Christ. What will your answer be when He asks you what you have done with your talents, how you used your life and time?
2 Corinthians 5:10
For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may be recompensed for his deeds in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad.
You must know that you can never do anything, to earn yourself even one minute in heaven. But the life He has given you, and the time He has given you are for a purpose.
He will reveal His specific purpose for your life when you spend time with Him, reading your Bible, and in prayer. When you are in fellowship with the Holy Spirit and brothers in faith, it will become clear to you, how you can please your heavenly Father, with a meaningful and fulfilling life to His glory.
Internet: harryschoemaker.nl
FB: The Worldwide Ekklesia
P.S.: Coming Tuesday I will not be able to write the daily Bible message as I have to go to the hospital to see the cardiologist.