Matthew 9:12 NASB
But when Jesus heard this, He said,
It is not those who are healthy
who need a physician,
but those who are sick.
If you think you are healthy you don’t need a physician.
So it is spiritually as well.
Most of the spiritual leaders of the people of the Jews thought they were on the right track.
They lacked the experience of a total spiritual leprosy.
Therefore they did not need the Saviour, the Physician.
Even today there are those healthy church people.
- They live neatly,
- They have zeal for the ancient truth
- They have zeal for the principles of the fathers,
- They speak of diseases and of the Physician,
But there is no experience of the disease in themselves,
and there is no experimental need of the Physician.
- Only those who in their experience are feeling sick by the discovering working of the Holy Spirit,
- Only those who realize that they cannot heal themselves,
- Only those learn to need the Physician.
Such may experience that nothing is too wonderful for this Physician.
- He is almighty, loving and faithful.
- He wanted Himself to be counted as a leper in order to gain healing.
- He gives His people a complete healing once in soul and body.
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