Matthew 8:23-27 NASB
²³When He got into the boat, His disciples followed Him.
²⁴And behold, there arose a great storm on the sea, so that the boat was being covered with the waves; but Jesus Himself was asleep.
²⁵And they came to Him and woke Him, saying, “Save us, Lord; we are perishing!”
²⁶He said to them, “Why are you afraid, you men of little faith?”
Then He got up and rebuked the winds and the sea, and it became perfectly calm.
²⁷The men were amazed, and said, “What kind of a man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey Him?”
Lord Nelson
A simple but characteristic incident is recorded in connection with the early history of Lord Nelson.
On one occasion his mother was telling him that he should fear a certain thing, and not go near to it; he at once turned round to her, and asked, “Mother, what is fear? “
It was a question which shows how true it is that the boy is father to the man; for if ever there was a character of dauntless intrepidity it was he.
Now it is evident that there was no need for the disciples to have asked such a question; what fear was they knew very well, and it was for giving way to it, that they were now gently rebuked by our Lord.
To us also He addresses the same words, for He would have each of us to say with the Church of old, “I will trust, and not be afraid; ” and, among many other instances, the present case is intended, and peculiarly adapted, to strengthen the one feeling, and to remove the other.
A certain noble family of England, which gained its position by the victories of an ancestor at sea, has for its motto the single word — Tilers.
That word is a nautical term of command, which means that the steerman is to keep the ship’s head straight on the course which she is sailing.
This is the true motto for a Christian. Let him keep his course straightforward, through the storm and tempest, through dangers and difficulties, steering the course of DUTY, with Jesus as his Companion and his Guide.
In Jesus, God’s saving presence is revealed.
He never lets us down.
The fall also had evil consequences for nature.
All creation suffers and groans (Romans 8:22).
The forces of nature break loose, collide with each other and have a devouring and destructive effect. Howling storms, falling hail, and the like (Psalms 29).
People who get into it have every reason to be anxious.
In the face of natural disasters we feel small, we experience our powerlessness.
Following Jesus does not mean that we are protected from storms (cf. Matthew 8:23,24). Yet we need not be desperate.
Jesus’ disciples here are (Matthew 8:25).
He Himself is a model of tranquility in the midst of all the infernal noise (Matthew 8:24).
He rebuked his disciples’ lack of faith (Matthew 8:26), which made them cowards. But that doesn’t have to be with ‘Father’s Son on board!
We all sometimes find ourselves in a situation where we don’t like it anymore.
A natural reaction is that we are worried and we become more and more depressed.
Taking good precautions, and taking care of body preservation and well-being, those are good things. But don’t worry.
Jesus says, ‘Don’t worry! (Matthew 6:25)
Never give in to despair! (Compare Isaiah 41:10).
There are limits to our capabilities, but there are no limits to Jesus’ power. And His Heavenly Father cares for us. For Jesus’ sake He gives complete relief in every need.
Jesus sometimes keeps aloof for a while.
He does that intentionally. To test our confidence and lead us to cry out to God.
But then He rises and “rebukes the winds and the sea.”
This punishment is a different punishment than when He lovingly admonishes us.
It is a sufficient fight against what stands in the way of his work of grace and what threatens our well-being.
It immediately provides very clear evidence that if God is for us, nothing and no one can be against us (Romans 8:31,32).
There is every reason to marvel once we learn about Jesus’ power (Matthew 8:27).
- If in your impotence you feel unable to cope with something, what should you think of? (Compare Psalm 93:3,4.)
Prayer Suggestion
- Ask the Lord to give you courage to stand against what you want to take away from Him.
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