Matthew 12:11-12
¹¹But He said to them, “What man is there among you (Literally: will be from you) who has (Literally: will have) a sheep, and if it falls into a pit on the Sabbath, will he not take hold of it and lift it out? ¹²How much more valuable then is a person than a sheep! So then, it is lawful to do good (Literally: well) on the Sabbath.”
In God’s eyes you are valuable.
You are so valuable to Him, that He gave His only Son for you, to save you from eternal punishment, and instead give you eternal life.
John 3:16
For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life.
Now you may say, but there is nothing on me, or in me worth loving. My heart is stained and dirty with sin.
Well let me try to explain something to you.
- I have a brand new 20 dollar bill in my hand. And you will agree with me that it’s worth is 20 dollars.
- But now I fold it. It doesn’t look as new as it did before, what is the worth now? It is still 20 dollars.
- Okay now I completely crumple it, and trample it under my feet, what is the worth now? It is still 20 dollars.
- A last thing, I take it, crumpled, and trampled as it is to a farm, and dump it into some cow shit. Now it looks horrible. It is crumpled, trampled, very dirty and it smells terrible. What is the worth now? It is still 20 dollars!
Before you can use the 20 dollar note you will first have to clean it ofcourse, but whatever happened to it, as long as it is still complete it keeps its value.
It is similar with the value you have for God!
In life you may feel crumpled, people may have been trampling upon you, people may have dragged through whatever kind of mud, your value is still the same for God.
In fact when you come with your sin to Jesus to ask for forgiveness you are like that dirty, smelling dollar bill. You are to dirty to handle, but Jesus is able and willing to wash you with His blood. He is able and willing to give you a brand new life.
You are so valuable to Him, that He paid the price for your sins, He died for you, so you may live.
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