A film was made to accompany Billy Graham’s evangelistic campaigns. The film gives the following picture:
A young couple has decided to start a new life. To allow this unexpected and drastic event to affect their lives, they go for a car ride.
Seeing the beautiful American hill country, with winding roads and dark road tunnels, the point of the film becomes clear.
Life is not always easy for a Christian.
It’s like a mountain country with dangerous roads, hairpin curves in the roads, and dark tunnels. You can sometimes enjoy beautiful views, but you can also be terrified by the dangers.
As the couple drives, the madam hears Graham telling them to trust in God like a child! And thinking about this, they drive into a long dark tunnel.
Anyone who does not yet know God very well will probably feel that way. You entrust your life to God, but you don’t know where you will end up. Sometimes it seems like a leap of faith.
You just have to believe that God can and will hold you.
Now there really is reason to trust in God.
We are not doing very well in our lives.
In fact, we have put ourselves in debt to God. But even though we can’t settle that debt ourselves, God won’t let us down. He made His Son become human, in order to pay through Him the debt we owe to God.
That’s the reason why the Lord Jesus had to die.
He came to tell us that God loves us so much that He wants to make us His children. Whoever accepts Jesus Christ as his Savior is thus given the power to become a child of God.
He also has the certainty that God, as a Father, will take care of him.
Now you may be wondering what all this has to do with the title of this piece. It belongs to the movie. When they drive into the dark tunnel, that lady says:
“Now we should sing a song”.
“Yes”, Dad agrees, a bit uncomfortable.
At the same time he starts singing, and while riding, they sing together a well known song about the care and love of God.
The last sounds have hardly died out when they enter the sunlight.
I thought that was a great find.
When you start singing a song about the love and faithfulness of God, it becomes light. Then you can suddenly can better cope with your circumstances. When you are in trouble, you can often no longer think clearly. Then you usually don’t think about God anymore. Although that is precisely what is necessary at those moments.
Singing a hymn, even though you can’t sing it in full, perhaps just hum or say it quietly to yourself, will help you focuses on very different things.
While you tumble in your lack of strength, in your sorrow, tension, or fear, your attention is suddenly drawn to the Lord Jesus. Then you suddenly remember:
“That is also true: Jesus is here; He loves me, He cares for me”.
A song urges you to turn your sorrows to God.
Now the answer to the question, “What is a song?”
It’s a sun breaking through the clouds.
Twitter: @SchoemakerHarry
Website 1: https://devotionals.harryschoemaker.nl
Website 2: http://bijbelplaatjes.nl